
布朗伍德- 4月11日, 2024 – Renovations were recently completed for a microbiology lab in Howard Payne University’s Winebrenner Memorial Hall of Science, 感谢HPU支持者的慷慨资助. 更新后的空间为生物学等专业的学生提供了便利的实验室, 生物医学科学, 护理与生命科学教育. 它还将容纳夏季[…]


布朗伍德- 1月3日, 2024 – Howard Payne University’s December observance of Texas Arbor Day featured the planting of a new Shumard red oak tree on campus as well as a service project including 18 students and teachers from Cross Classical Academy (CCA). HPU的场地主管Aaron Diaz组织并领导了这次活动. “事件[…]


布朗伍德- 8月21日, 2023 – Howard Payne University recently celebrated the grand opening of the newly renovated Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom, hosting approximately 300 attendees for a ribbon-cutting ceremony and self-guided tours. 出席8月15日活动的还有捐助者, 民选官员, 当地居民, HPU董事会成员, 人员, 学生及校友. 参与者[…]


布朗伍德- 8月11日, 2023 – Howard Payne University is finalizing preparations for Tuesday’s grand opening of the newly renovated Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom. 下午2点开门.m. 自助游,下午2:30将举行仪式.m. 游客 may enter the Academy of Freedom building through the entrance closest to […]


布朗伍德- 6月25日, 2021 – Howard Payne University recently celebrated the close of the 2020-21 academic year with Commencement ceremonies recognizing fall 2020 and spring 2021 graduates. 这所大学继续进行建设项目,结束了春季学期, 成就学术第一, 增加新的学术课程,欢迎新的教练来领导运动队, 随着[…]


布朗伍德- 8月17日, 2020 – Numerous enhancements across the Howard Payne University campus are in progress or have been recently completed as the institution prepares to welcome students later this week. 一系列项目包括住宅设施的改善, 学术的建筑, 活动空间及景观, 每个组件都为整体工作做出贡献[…]


布朗伍德- 1月30日, 2020 – Howard Payne University has announced the construction of an expansive new welcome center and renovations to the historic Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom building. Both projects will provide modernized facilities to benefit the university’s students, 访客及其他人士. 纽伯里家庭欢迎中心,以[…]


BROWNWOOD – December 17, 2019 – Howard Payne University will be closed from Monday, Dec. 1月23日至周五. 3、庆祝圣诞节和元旦假期. 办公室将于1月10日星期一重新开放. 6. HPU’s Office of Institutional Advancement (the Harrison House), located at 803 Center Ave.,将于[…]

HPU获得2018年Tree Campus USA®认可

布朗伍德- 2月11日, 2019 – The Arbor Day Foundation has once again recognized Howard Payne University as a Tree Campus USA® institution for the university’s ongoing commitment to effective urban forest man年龄ment. 自2016年以来,HPU获得了美国树校园的称号. 在一封祝贺HPU获得2018年认可的信中,植树节[…]


褐木- 3月19日, 2018 – Howard Payne University was once again honored by the Arbor Day Foundation for its commitment to effective urban forest man年龄ment. HPU最近获得了2017年Tree Campus USA®的认可. “Students are e年龄r to volunteer in their communities and become better stewards of the environment,马特·哈里斯说, […]首席执行官


褐木- 11月17日, 2017 – Howard Payne University recently hosted a group of fifth graders from Brownwood’s Coggin Intermediate School for Texas Arbor Day activities. The students participated in fun, outdoor experiences and attended a tree ceremony on campus. HPU举办了这次活动,作为该大学美国校园活动的一部分. 树校园[…]


褐木——11月8日, 2016年,为了纪念上周五的德州植树节, Howard Payne University ceremonially recognized a new Texas Redbud tree on campus and hosted an informational session on planting and pruning trees. 德州植树节是在每年11月的第一个星期五. 尼克·哈里森,德克萨斯州A&M林务局[…]


ebet真人娱乐厅绿树成荫的街道上有一座砖砌建筑, 以白色柱子和灯柱上的横幅为特色. | HPU

褐木- 10月31日, 2016 – The public is invited to the Howard Payne University campus for Texas Arbor Day, 星期五, 11月4日, as the university hosts a tree-planting ceremony and educational program on planting and pruning trees. 比赛下午3点开始.m. 在HPU的梅比大学中心,是免费的. 尼克[…]


褐木- 10月17日, 2016年,ebet真人娱乐厅将庆祝植树节, 11月4日, 有一个教育项目和一个植树仪式. 比赛下午3点开始.m. 在HPU的梅比大学中心,免费向公众开放. 尼克·哈里森,德克萨斯州A&M林务局消防协调员和前布朗伍德[…]


  布朗伍德- 8月2日, 2016 – There is still time to register for the fall 2016 semester at Howard Payne University’s 新布朗费尔斯中心. Classes begin August 22 at the center’s new facility located at 4102 TX-337 Loop in New Braunfels. 新改建的设施包括行政办公室, 教室, 会议室和书房[…]


The Howard Payne University 埃尔帕索中心 celebrated the opening of its new facility at the First Baptist Church in El Paso on April 29. Dr. Bill Ellis, HPU president, gave a special address to the attendees of the open house and Dr. 埃尔帕索中心的基督教研究教授Stephen Kovach提出[…]


布朗伍德- 4月8日, 2013 – Howard Payne University held a luncheon on Monday afternoon to announce its A Call to Send campaign to community leaders from the Heart of Texas area. 为发起这场运动做准备, 大学公布了第一阶段, 哪些是主要新设施和捐赠增长的计划. […]

Sara Haley promoted to assistant vice president for facilities and planning at HPU

褐木——11月6日, 2012 – Howard Payne University recently promoted Sara Haley from director of facilities and planning to assistant vice president for facilities and planning. 在她的新角色中, she has assumed additional responsibilities to lead HPU’s efforts of planning for future campus facilities and the renovation of existing facilities. 海莉加入了[…]