TexasBank gives $25,000 toward HPU scholarships through Doss Foundation

BROWNWOOD – May 14, 2024 – Howard Payne University recently received a gift of $25,000 in scholarship funds from TexasBank through the James and Dorothy Doss Foundation. The contribution was provided as a part of the Doss Foundation, TexasBank Scholars – Heart of Texas Scholarship Fund, which was established to help area students attend HPU. […]

HPU students honored at virtual Model U.N. competition

BROWNWOOD – May 12, 2021年,ebet真人娱乐厅模拟联合国(MUN)团队最近参加了在蒙特利尔举办的虚拟会议, Canada. Three students were recognized as Outstanding Delegates: Sierra Ross, a senior from Galveston majoring in the Guy D. Newman Honors Academy and social science (jurisprudence); Joseph Lahmann, a senior from Killeen […]

HPU’s Sigma Beta Delta inducts four new members

BROWNWOOD – July 17, 2020年-ebet真人娱乐厅西格玛贝塔三角洲国际商业荣誉协会分会最近引入了四位新成员. Inductees were Erin Blanchard, a senior from Rockdale majoring in marketing; Hunter Coffee, a spring 2020 graduate from Early who majored in business administration; Zachary Gingrich, a senior from Plano majoring […]

HPU sophomore honored at Seattle Model U.N. competition

BROWNWOOD – January 28, 2020年,ebet真人娱乐厅模拟联合国团队参加了在西雅图举行的西北模拟联合国(NWMUN)会议. Brenden Hough, a sophomore from Brownwood majoring in the Guy D. Newman Honors Academy and practical theology, was recognized as one of three “Distinguished Delegates” selected from a committee of 195 students. Including […]

HPU graduates 90 students at fall Commencement ceremony

BROWNWOOD – January 15, 2020年,在2019年秋季学期结束时举行的毕业典礼上,ebet真人娱乐厅向90名学生颁发了学位. Those receiving diplomas included August 2019 and December 2019 graduates. Dr. Cory Hines, HPU president, and other university representatives conferred the degrees. Dr. Steve Bezner, senior pastor of […]

HPU graduate Audrey Simpson named recipient of national business scholarship

Audrey Simpson, a spring 2019 graduate of Howard Payne University, was recently named one of thirty recipients of the Sigma Beta Delta National Scholarship. 辛普森毕业于HPU,获得市场营销学士学位,目前正在德克萨斯大学(Texas a)攻读市场营销硕士学位&M University-Commerce. Originally from Cuero, she currently works […]

HPU honors 61 students at Academic Awards Convocation

ebet真人娱乐厅在一年一度的学术颁奖典礼上表彰了61名学生的学术成就, held near the end of the spring 2019 semester. Receiving awards were: Abbott Kylie Johnson, Honor Award in Spanish Allen Brianna Weaver, Outstanding New Secondary Teacher and English Academic Achievement Award Alleyton Jessica Catlett, Honor Award in Social Work […]

HPU’s Madelyn Deviney receives fellowship award from national business honor society

BROWNWOOD – December 4, 2018 – Madelyn Deviney, Howard Payne University senior from Bulverde, has received the Dr. Clifford L. Eubanks Fellowship Award from the Sigma Beta Delta national business honor society. Nominees for the fellowship award must display outstanding student and personal achievement, be enrolled in a business degree program at an accredited university […]

HPU’s Sigma Beta Delta inducts 11 new members

BROWNWOOD – April 27, 2017年,ebet真人娱乐厅Sigma Beta Delta国际商业荣誉协会分会最近迎来了11名新成员. Andrew Hansen ’08, construction superintendent for Trafalgar Homes, was the distinguished guest speaker for the event. Membership into Sigma Beta Delta is the highest national recognition a business […]

HPU MBA program marks five-year anniversary

BROWNWOOD – February 10, 2017 – Howard Payne University’s dynamic, 以ebet真人娱乐厅的工商管理硕士学位课程庆祝五年来帮助学生实现与商业相关的职业目标. Since its inception in spring 2012, HPU的MBA课程已经毕业了69名学生,另外还有7名学生准备在春季末毕业[…]

HPU Phi Beta Lambda members compete in national competition

BROWNWOOD – September 20, 2016 – Four members of Howard Payne University’s chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, 一个面向所有对商业相关职业感兴趣的大学生的全国性组织, recently competed at the 2016 PBL National Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The four HPU students had competed in the spring at the […]

HPU Phi Beta Lambda members advance to national competition

BROWNWOOD – May 19, 2016 – Members of Howard Payne University’s chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, an international business honor society, recently attended the PBL 2016 State Leadership Conference at The University of Texas in Dallas. Five members advanced to the PBL National Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, June 24-27. Those advancing to nationals are […]

HPU class project serves local 3M plant

BROWNWOOD – May 6, 2016年,ebet真人娱乐厅蒂姆库珀数字视频操作课程的学生最近与3M公司合作,为当地工厂制作了一个承包商安全意识视频. According to a magazine published by the company, the video will be used as part of its orientation process for new contractors. 3M’s […]

HPU’s Sigma Beta Delta inducts nine new members

BROWNWOOD – April 7, 2015年3月25日,ebet真人娱乐厅西格玛贝塔三角洲国际商业荣誉协会分会迎来了9名新成员. Dr. Lois Patton, professor of business administration, was the guest speaker for the event. Inductees included Christy Ash, junior from Brownwood; Mike Bannister, senior from Brownwood; […]

HPU’s Chuck Boland named FAR Fellow by NCAA Division III

BROWNWOOD – October 9, 2014 – Howard Payne University’s Chuck Boland, faculty athletic representative, professor of accounting and chair of the accounting department, has been selected as a 2014 NCAA Division III FAR Fellow. According to the organization, 学院体育代表(FAR)研究员研究所于2010年启动,旨在提高效率[…]